W.I.S.E Management SA
Our reason to be
Wealth management is first and foremost about building a sustainable long-term relationship between the client and his advisor. To that end this relationship needs to be properly defined, with regard both to the financial objectives and to the nature of the cooperation: confidentiality, discretion, security.
From this point forward, the reciprocal trust develops itself, enabling WISE Management to pursue serenely its duty. This same trust allows us to constantly reinvent ourselves in order to pursue our clients’ objectives, to adapt our strategy to the fluctuations of the financial market, to search invariably and everywhere the most suited solutions for our clients.
This quest for the best is what enlivens the WISE Management team, devoted to a secularly Swiss tradition engraved in the exercise of their profession.

The Company
Our principal objective: satisfying our client’s needs
W.I.S.E. Management SA is a company created in Geneva, whose main vocation is to advise and manage the wealth of its clients. By not belonging to a group, the company stands independently free of any influence. This status means that W.I.S.E. Management SA senior executives are the only shareholders and actors of the company.
It’s also entails taking pledge that their interests and those of their clients are alike.
To choose independence is to choose to establish a strong strategic line, to offer a management approach adapted to the client directing him toward a shared goal.
The company has decided to protect this liberty by vowing to uphold the highest ethical and professional conduct through its active membership in the SO-FIT (organism controlled by FINMA), a further guarantee of security, ethics and competence.
This liberty has also allowed WISE to weave an international network of carefully selected partners in order to reunite complementary competences.

The wealth Management
Choosing the best
Before any investment decision, W.I.S.E. Management SA takes the time to listen and to get to know every client, understanding his financial objectives, his time horizon, his tolerance to risk as well as his preferences or aversions.
At W.I.S.E Management SA we live in an open architecture; we compose with investment solutions managed by the best specialist for every asset class, conscientiously selected and followed. We build model portfolios whose ponderations we adjust in function of each client’s needs, and this in full transparence.
In this world both globalized and fragmented, teeming with information, precise and rapid decision-taking is key to successfully achieve our goal. This doesn’t mean precipitation, but on the contrary discipline. And keeping in mind that in all things, we only opt for the best.
W.I.S.E Management SA is actively investigating the opportunities of trading carbon credits in order to help our customers meet their goals for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
We are sensitive to the new green world while also incorporating industry best practice and stable long term financial returns.
Our aim being to help our investors and their countries achieve carbon neutrality.

The Team
Be in good hands
The preservation of your private sphere, a personal and constant availability, a tailored follow-up, perseverance, fidelity, are the values and the attitudes uniting us and binding us to every client. Adding to this, is the search for solutions meeting your needs, combining performance and security. Experience has taught us to value only the significant, while at the same time caring for detail.
This is the engagement W.I.S.E. Management offers you, and vows to respect.
«Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. »
Warren Buffet